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The Mobile B2C Strategy Observatory Presents 2018 Results With Kaleyra And Other Partners
March 28, 2019, the Mobile B2c strategy observatory presents the results of their research for 2018.
The Mobile channel is more and more used both by customers and enterprises that are starting to integrate the data coming from the mobile into the statistics shown to the Management team and used for business.
Nowadays almost all companies use Mobile but not everyone exploits all the potentials of the omnichannel paradigm.
Improve customer experience, use proximity marketing, measure the impact of the advertising on sales, exploit data to personalize communication and give relevant contents to customers, leverage wallets and third-party applications to acquire and profile new customers, are just few opportunities that the Mobile channel could offer to empower communication, marketing, sales, and customer care activities.
Mobile technology plays an increasingly crucial role in the communication strategies of enterprises. Indeed, mobile is no longer just a channel to enjoy services that are available through several providers or just a way to enhance the customers’ experience.
Mobile becomes a business model allowing to manage the communication with clients or partners in an efficient, well-timed, secure and reliable way, also thanks to the creation of innovative services.
The Mobile B2c strategy Observatory has the goal to investigate about the role of the smartphone and the purchase journey of the Italian customers, which are the most used applications from the mobile, which is the value of that market in Italy and which are the results for 2018 and the trends for 2019, which is the status of the Mobile Messaging in Italy, how the Italian companies use that channel and how they measure their performance and which are the most important innovation launched by national and international startups working in that industry.
The role of Kaleyra
Kaleyra is an international group specialized in Mobile Messaging services for banks, big companies, and SMEs. Through a global owned platform, Kaleyra manages integrated multi-channel communication services featuring messages, push notifications, e-mails, instant messaging, voice services and chatbots.
Today Kaleyra’s offering is one of the most innovative of the market and includes value-added services such as “voice services”, which will progressively be crucial to develop new services. As one of the main players in the international messaging market and as a partner of the Mobile B2c strategy Observatory, Kaleyra takes part in the workshop for the presentation of the results that is on March 28, 2019, at Politecnico di Milano and will talk about 2018 results in the Messaging sector and future trends!
Stay tuned to discover the research results!

Kalaivani Narayanan
Content Specialist